Créer un nouveau contenu

Navigate to the root of your Hugo project and use the hugo new command to create a file in the content/docs directory:

  hugo new docs/

This will create a markdown file named with the following default front matter:

title = "Example Page"
description = ""
icon = "article"
date = "2023-05-22T00:27:57+01:00"
lastmod = "2023-05-22T00:27:57+01:00"
draft = false
toc = true
weight = 999

Modify the options to suit your needs.

The code below shows the front matter code used to create this page, along with some markdown in the body:

weight = 100
date = "2023-05-03T22:37:22+01:00"
draft = true
author = "Colin Wilson"
title = "Quickstart"
icon = "rocket_launch"
toc = true
description = "A quickstart guide to creating new content in Lotus Docs"
publishdate = "2023-05-03T22:37:22+01:00"
tags = ["Beginners"]

## Create New Content

Navigate to the root of your Hugo project and use the `hugo new` command to create a file in the `content/docs` directory:

    hugo new docs/

Ordering Content

Lotus Docs uses a simple weighting method for ordering content and creating menus.

The front matter weight variable is used to order all content and auto-generate the menu structure (including the sidebar menu and page navigation buttons). Lower weight values take higher precedence. So content with lower weights come first and are so ordered in the menu.

Auto-Generated Menu

As mentioned, Lotus Docs auto-generates menus and navigation links using the front matter weight variable. For example, Navigate to the content/docs directory and create two content files, and, then edit the weight values to 100 and 200 respectively:

Your directory structure should now look like this:

└── docs/

Links to both posts are now visible in the sidebar menu where will come before and be placed above

sidebar menu items example

Second Level Menu Items

Second level menu items can be generated by first creating a ‘parent’ directory containing an file, e.g.:

  hugo new docs/parent-directory/

The above command creates a directory named parent-directory under content/docs:

└── docs/
    └── parent-directory/

You can now create second level items inside the parent-directory as normal. Run the hugo new command again to create a post inside the newly created parent-directory:

  hugo new docs/parent-directory/

Your directory/file structure should now look like this:

└── docs/
    └── parent-directory/

This is reflected in the sidebar menu with parent-directory acting as a dropdown menu containing a link to the Doc Three post:

sidebar parent menu example

Last updated 30 sept. 2023, 17:52 +0100 . history